Creative inspiration, rather than careful planning, often results in the best solution to a problem.
Describe a specific situation in which careful planning might result in the best solution to a problem. Discuss what you think determines whether creative inspiration or careful planning can best solve a problem.
As humans, we all encounter problems that must be solved on a daily basis in order to thrive and survive. These problems range from the mundane, such as attempting to wake up in the morning at a certain time, to the complex, such as working out marital difficulties. As children, we learn from our families and in the classroom how to go about solving problems. We are taught to not let problems simmer for a long period in fear of an over-blown and more serious consequence that results by waiting. Some problems may be solved through certain methodology (e.g., academic problems in the classroom) and others may be quite nebulous with no certain path to follow. Granted, some of the best solutions to problems have been worked out by creative inspiration and with little planning. However, most humans cannot count on being creatively inspired at an opportune time. They can, on the other hand, carefully plan for their set direction and various contingencies--thereby, possibly increasing their confidence and chances in the problem being solved.
Careful planning entails preparing for set actions ahead of time with a thoughtful plan. One will take into account contingencies, examine all possible options, consult other people for advice, etc. Sometimes people have a sufficient amount of time to solve a certain problem. Some will waste this time and not bother with problem solving. More motivated people, however, will make good use of the time to increase chances of a successful outcome. Carefully planning out strategies may not be the strong point for certain people but with practice and perseverance, one can always improve his or her ability to plan situations out in a thorough basis.
Some people, however, are blessed with the ability to solve problems through mere creative inspiration. These sudden moments of inspiration are often experienced by renowned artists who can create work originating from the soul. Some may experience these flashes of enlightenment during the unconscious stage of dreaming or perhaps during meditative practice. While we all would like to solve problems via creative inspiration, we do not all have the ability to tap into the part of us that suddenly provides solutions. Indeed, creative inspiration can be cultivated in one's life by learning how to be in tune with one's self and inner desires. However, only a few people are in touch with their creative selves.
Indeed, the regular man cannot rely on creative inspiration to provide the best answer to problems. All, however, can nurture the ability to plan carefully about upcoming situations. Granted, sometimes it is difficult to plan for all contingencies and to come up with the best plan even with careful planning. It is worth one's time, however, to plan out situations in order to build confidence and know that one has tried his very best to resolve a problem.
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