Friday, April 22, 2011

The Good of Society depends upon the Defense of Individual Rights

The good of a society depends upon the defense of individual rights.
Describe a specific situation in which the good of a society might not depend upon the defense of individual rights. Discuss what you think determines when the good of a society depends upon the defense of individual rights.

The Bill of Rights, as a foundational document of the United states, ensures individuals certain rights that government cannot infringe upon. Founded on democracy, the United States needs to be cognizant of defending such rights, including among others freedom of speech and religion. These rights are especially essential in ensuring that minorities are not trampled on or pushed into the periphery. However, individual rights may be justifiably compromised in certain cases involving the maintenance of national security.

Among the rights that our nation guards fervently include those stated in the first amendment. The freedom of speech, for example, allow free expression of citizen's thoughts and political beliefs. The freedom of religion allows people to practice their chosen religion and prohibits the state form establishing an official religion. Furthermore, the freedom of assembly allows people to congregate together for political and other legal purposes. Such freedoms allow minorities---or people with views differing from the majority---to not compromise themselves by being able to express their views and practice their own religion in peace.

The Bill of Rights also ensures the people a fair trial and gives the benefit of "innocence" before being proven guilty. Accused people have the right to consult a lawyer and have a right to not incriminate themselves. However, in certain cases, these rights are diminished in matters of national security. For example, when the military captures suspected terrorists, they are treated as "enemy combatants" rather than regular criminals. When an enemy combatant is captured, the government can hold him indefinitely, use certain interrogation methods to further intelligence, and deny a right to a fair and speedy trial. This has the effect of making it easier to keep the suspected terrorist from entering society and committing further act against the United States. In essence, the different standards for enemy combatants allows our government to compromise the notion of protected "individual rights."

Courts have also limited the this certain freedoms, such as that of speech, as limited in nature. That is, our nation does not protect speech that incites violence or hatred. People do not have the freedom, for instance, to threaten physical violence on a certain ethnicity with impunity. They cannot call for the attack on a group of people over the internet. Indeed, the individual right to speech is curtailed in a way to protect the well being of its citizens and maintain order in society.

The defense of individual rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights will remain sacrosanct in our nation. Freedoms of speech and religion, among other rights, help protect minority groups from oppression and ensure the United States' status as a free democracy. However, those rights may be qualified in the interest of maintaining a cohesive and peaceful society.

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