Friday, April 22, 2011

When Politicians turn Public Matters into Prviate Gains

Too many politicians turn public matters into private gains.
Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not turn a public matter into a private gain. Discuss what you think determines whether or not politicians will turn public matters into private gains.

People pursue work as politicians for a wide variety of reasons. A politician’s ostensible purpose is to serve the public by providing needed services and creating order in society. However, many enter politics for the different perks, which include power, fame and recognition. While people may start out their political life with altruistic intentions, they eventually learn how to adapt by playing the game of politics---which inherently involves balancing private and public interests. Essentially, a politician who wishes to maintain his seat as long as possible will play this game and realize that he finds himself turning all public matters into some aspect private gain.

The game of politics involves the pursuit of maintaining one’s relevance and influence in the political realm. Maintaining a healthy public image of competence and likeability is essential to keeping one’s job and increasing chances for re-election. Specifically, politicians need to think constantly about the implications of their words and voting record. Politicians may truly care deeply about the public issues they have resolved to conquer. However, when speaking publicly about the matter or taking action, they will always have the following thought in the back of their mind---how will my words or actions serve me in the quest to keep my job? Will the citizens see that I am protecting their interests and advocating for improved conditions? Indeed, skilled politicians have the gift of communication and will be able to use public matters in a way to not only help his community but in the interest of self-preservation.

Playing the game of politics not only involves pleasing constituents—it also requires politicians to work adroitly with other stakeholders, including fellow politicians. Skilled politicians know how to form relationships with their colleagues because they can use each other to exchange favors. That is, backing up a colleague in a certain issue results in a promise for future support in return. Politicians also need to take into account powerful actors and business owners in making all their decisions. They certainly do not want to step on the wrong feet and would rather build their rolodex for future endeavors.

Granted, the degree of private gain by politicians varies from situation to situation. Corrupt politicians will, for example, gain monetarily in their dealings through stealing from their people. Other politicians will be less insidious with their gain and hope for a better result in the polls by addressing public matters. To be fair, politicians are not the only type of people who seek private gain in performing their duties. It is human nature to think about one’s own well being in daily life. The interest of self-preservation (and also protection of one’s loved ones) can be undoubtedly found in a human being’s every action.

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